Thursday, September 18, 2008

St Francis of Assisi

How can I be like St. Francis of Assisi and care for God’s creation?

To be like St. Francis of Assisi I need to be selfless and look after people who aren’t as fortunate as me. To do this, I can donate clothes don’t fit me, go to a soup kitchen and serve food or offer shelter to the homeless.

I need also to care for my friends and peers. If someone is having a hard time, go and sit next to them and tell them it’s alright and that it could be worse. I also need to take care of my clothes and toys because poor people would love to have them.

If I could look after native flora and fauna I could be more like St. Francis of Assisi. To do this I need to watch my waste, remember to feed the cat and try not to drive as much but take public transport.

That is how I could be more like St. Francis of Assisi.

by Darcy

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