Thursday, September 18, 2008
St Francis of Assisi has inspired me to help people and care for the environment. He has shown all of us some of his ways of expressing how strong his love for God's creation is.
Recently, I was given a note to join a group. This group was no ordinary group. It was a group to help people. I looked down at the note. This could be an amazing opportunity for me to donate food, investigate what poor children need and to reach out to others.. Therefore I wrote my name down on a piece of paper and convinced people that I would try my best to help people in our local community. One day I found out that I would take part in that group. Not long after I was filled with many ideas to help the less fortunate: I could organise a Christmas Appeal, a day for people to donate coins and I would buy socks and clothes for the poor. I am so excited about working with others to find a way to help people. That is why I strongly believe in groups that help others - just like St Francis did.
When I see people squashing ants a shiver of sadness hits me, Ants may be the smallest insect but it is still part of God's creation. No one would like to hurt their pets therefore I believe people should not hurt any animals, either because they are small, different or in a critical state. Anytime see an animal I will always respect it.
I recognise that peole do not look after their pets. This makes me very disappointed. When you get a pet you should be a responsible and nurturing pet owner. I become heart broken when I see people not giving any time to their pets. This means that the animal would not get fed and would become very lonely. I visit my two pet rabbits twice a day and play with them for as long as I can.
When I look at all the good deeds that St Francis of Assisi did, it motivates me to do the same - even if it is something small.
St Francis of Assisi

The second way I can be like St Francis is by caring for the poor. I can eat al of my food and not waste it. I can take only what I need. I could donate food, money, clothes, books, shoes and wedding dresses to St Vincent de Paul.
The third way I can be like St Francis is not to litter and kill insects and bugs. If you see a dirt patch that has been made by ants don't step on it. St Francis wouldn't step on it so I won't either.
I would love a pet and if I had one I would care for it, walk it, wash it, feed it and clean up the backyard. I could get a pet from the R.S.P.C.A.
Also, we humans are part of God's creation and we should care more for each other.
By Taylor
St Francis of Assisi

How can I be like St. Francis of Assisi and care for God’s creation?
To be like St. Francis of Assisi I need to be selfless and look after people who aren’t as fortunate as me. To do this, I can donate clothes don’t fit me, go to a soup kitchen and serve food or offer shelter to the homeless.
I need also to care for my friends and peers. If someone is having a hard time, go and sit next to them and tell them it’s alright and that it could be worse. I also need to take care of my clothes and toys because poor people would love to have them.
If I could look after native flora and fauna I could be more like St. Francis of Assisi. To do this I need to watch my waste, remember to feed the cat and try not to drive as much but take public transport.
That is how I could be more like St. Francis of Assisi.
by Darcy