Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Holy Spirit Concert Report by Lara

Last Friday on the 7th of November Holy Spirit school performed a school concert at the Hills Centre at Castle Hill. The concert started at about 7.00pm and lasted to 9.30pm. I especially enjoyed watching Year 4’s performances. They had really effective, strong and creative dance moves. The music was really catchy, stiff and enjoyable to listen to.

Not only did they have robotic moves and dance to the music, but in their other performances they sang and danced as well. WOW!!! The tear 4 topics were Maths and Technology. The back up effects and lighting were very colourful and bright. Every minute the lights on the screen changed colour with different patterns on them.

The costumes had mathematical symbols on the t-shirts and 4D had a CD on their tops instead. All the classes wore their black school shoes and some girls wore jazz shoes. We all wore black pants and a black t-shirt with black socks. To make our costumes not look totally boring the Year 4 teachers and Mrs. Hansel added and supplied glittery, sparkly and silvery top hats with elastic under it to rap around our heads so that the hats wouldn’t fall of during our performance. We also had glittery gem sashes to rap around our waists on the right side of our waist.

The highlight of the show was definitely Year 4’s performance. But all the other performances and acts, dances and singing from the other classes and grades where amazing and incredible to watch and listen to.

1 comment:

Talise said...

I really like yor reaport as well Lara!
Talise 4TP